Visiting Vet Service
In-Home End of Life Care and Euthanasia for Pets
Melissa Shapiro, DVM
About Us
The Visiting Vet Service
We provide in-home quality of life evaluations, palliative care, and in-home euthanasia for senior, special needs, and terminally ill pets.
In-home quality of life evaluations are generally relaxed and conversation based. Observing pets in their home environment gives the veterinarian an objective holistic view of overall quality of life for pets and their people.
Palliative care plans, followup diagnostics and adjustments in medications and other support, help to keep pets feeling comfortable and connected, with dignity, for as long as possible.
An ongoing positive relationship with your veterinarian is crucial for a healthy individualized team approach to your pet's veterinary care, especially as they approach the end of their life. Our goal and priority is to guide and support you in caring for your elderly and terminally ill pets.
As things progress and quality of life becomes questionable, we are here to assist and help in making important end of life decisions. We offer compassionate respectful in-home euthansia and cremation services with flexible short notice scheduling.

The Visiting Vet Service Veterinarian
Dr. Melissa Shapiro is a small animal veterinarian, animal welfare advocate, author, and speaker. She is a graduate of Purdue University, School of Veterinary Medicine. She did a rotating internship at the Animal Medical Center in NYC, and a residency in Small Animal Internal Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School. She worked in a number of small animal practices before opening the Visiting Vet Service to serve lower Fairfield County.
For over 30 years, Dr. Shapiro has provided custom in home veterinary care for dogs and cats. She has used Norwalk Veterinary Hospital as a base in order to provide a full range of medical services to her patients. Her interest in caring for senior and special needs pets has redirected her general practice model to focus on in-home palliative and end of life care, including euthanasia and cremation services.
In addition to her veterinary work, Dr. Shapiro is the manager of her deaf blind dog's social media platforms, Piglet, the deaf blind pink puppy (Facebook), and @pinkpigletpuppy (Instagram and TikTok). She is co-creator of the Piglet Mindset Educational Outreach program and CEO of Piglet International Inc., a nonprofit organization that supports the educational program.
Her memoir, PIGLET, The Unexpected Story of a Deaf Blind Pink Puppy and His Family and her children's book, PIGLET COMES HOME, are available wherever books are sold. The books have become a beautiful addition to the Piglet Mindset Educational Program. For more info, visit
Warren and Melissa Shapiro live in Westport with their 8 adorable rescued dogs.